
Posts Tagged ‘short decorations’

Surprisingly, centerpieces can seriously break a budget.  It’s easy to be enticed by visions of a towering, statuesque, floral arrangement surrounded by an ornate vase encrusted with Swarovski crystals—unfortunately these pieces are not in the cards for all brides, but no worries!  We’ve compiled a few helpful tips for creating, or designing, beautiful wedding day centerpieces that won’t break the budget.

Our first discovery deals with height.  Choosing to have shorter centerpieces over taller ones drastically decreases the cost per piece.  In many cases, the price will decrease by half!  Besides being much more budget-friendly, shorter centerpieces don’t block the guests’ view and it will be easier for them to converse across their tables.



A bride can arrange her wedding favors in the center of the tables to create an easy, DIY centerpiece.  These favors can be arranged with other accent pieces, like candles and decorative stones, to create an eye-pleasing display.  Guests’ will be impressed by the creativity and won’t even miss the usual, and more traditional, centerpiece.



Reuse, reuse, reuse!  Reusing items is an exceptional way to cut on costs.  Many couples choose to reuse ceremony flowers, like the bridesmaids’ bouquets for example, as centerpieces for their tables.  The only extra item a bride would need to purchase, or rent, would be vases to hold the flowers—be careful with these though.  Brides should make sure that time is taken to research multiple vase options to ensure that they are getting a bang for their buck.  My Wedding Bag offers a multitude of vase options for brides that are looking to rent decorative pieces rather than buy them (always a budget-friendly option).  Remember, in this instance, brides should stick to vase options that are on the shorter, rather than taller, end.

Our final two recommendations are ones that many brides-to-be forget about or may not even be aware of.  When shopping for centerpieces and accompanying components, do not use the word “wedding.”  This one word can up the price of everyday, event centerpieces.  When shopping at various venues, simply state that the centerpieces are for a special occasion or some other common event.  Lastly, brides should definitely utilize their connections!  The more connections one has, the better.  Having the right connections can lead to incredible discounts and key, special deals.

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